EPS department information
Department Chair Magali Billen
Department CAO Jamie Brannan
Main Office 2119 Earth and Physical Sciences Building
phone: 1 (530) 752-0350; fax: 1 (530) 752-0951; geology@ucdavis.edu
Faculty | Scientists & Federation | Lecturers | Associates | Postdoctorals | Jr. Specialists | Grads | Visitors | Staff
Faculty and Emeriti
additional faculty and emeriti information
Atekwana, Estella | College of Letters and Science Dean's Office | |
Atekwana, Eliot | eatekwana at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-3690 |
Billen, Magali | mibillen at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-4169 |
Busby, Cathy † | cjbusby at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 754-0457 |
Carlson, Sandy † | sjcarlson at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-2834 |
Casey, Bill † | whcasey at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-3211 |
Cooper, Kari | kmcooper at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 754-8826 |
Cowgill, Eric | escowgill at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 754-6574 |
Day, Howard † | hwday at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-2882 |
Deblois, Mark | mcdeblois at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-0352 |
Dewey, John † | jfdeweyrocks at gmail.com | |
Doyle, Jim † | jadoyle at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-7591 |
Fogg, Graham † | gefogg at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-6810 |
Gold, David | dgold at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 754-5361 |
Grettenberger, Christy | clgrettenberger at ucdavis.edu | |
Griffin, Alyssa | ajgriffin at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-5280 |
Hill, Tessa | tmhill at ucdavis.edu | 1 (707) 875-1910 |
Lesher, Chip † | celesher at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-9779 |
McClain, Jim † | jsmcclain at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-7093 |
Montañez, Isabel | ipmontanez at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 754-7823 |
Motani, Ryosuke | rmotani at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 754-6284 |
Mount, Jeff † | jfmount at ucdavis.edu | |
Navrotsky, Alexandra † | anavrotsky at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-3292 |
Oskin, Mike | meoskin at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-3993 |
Osleger, Dave | daosleger at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 754-7824 |
Palmer, Hannah | hmpalmer at ucdavis.edu | |
Pinter, Nicholas | npinter at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 754-1041 |
Rudolph, Maxwell | maxrudolph at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-3669 |
Rundle, John | john.b.rundle at gmail.com | 1 (530) 752-6416 |
Rustad, Jim † | jrrustad at ucdavis.edu | |
Spero, Howie † | hjspero at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-3307 |
Sumner, Dawn | dysumner at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-5353 |
Sun, Chijun | cjsun at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-9779 |
Turcotte, Don † | dlturcotte at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-6808 |
Twiss, Robert † | rjtwiss at ucdavis.edu | |
Vermeij, Geerat † | gjvermeij at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-2234 |
Verosub, Ken † | klverosub at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-6911 |
Yin, Qing-zhu | qyin at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-0934 |
Zierenberg, Rob † | razierenberg at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-1863 |
† emeriti | | last update 1/9/24 |
Scientists & Academic Federation Members
additional information
Pinter, Susann | spinter at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 754-1056 |
Roeske, Sarah † | smroeske at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-4933 |
Russell, Ann * | adrussell at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-3311 |
Saxena, Arushi | ahsaxena at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-2889 |
Thy, Peter | pthy at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-1802 |
| | last update 8/8/24 |
† emeriti; * retired on recall | | |
Latimer, Kathlan | kklatimer at ucdavis.edu | |
Mendle, Al | ammendel at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 754-1056 |
Pinter, Susann | spinter at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 754-1056 |
Roeske, Sarah † | smroeske at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-4933 |
Salim, Ingrid | ihsalim at ucdavis.edu | |
Stevenson, Mary-Betty | mbstevenson at ucdavis.edu | |
Yarnell, Sarah | smyarnell at ucdavis.edu | |
| | last update 8/8/22 |
† emeriti | | |
Research Associates
additional information
Amelin, Yuri | yuri.amelin at anu.edu.au | |
Shlemon, Roy | rjshlemon at ucdavis.edu | |
| | last update 4/26/23 |
Postdoctoral Scholars
Katie Biegel | kmbiegel@ucdavis.edu | |
Brown, Malory | mobrown at ucdavis.edu | |
Di, Yankun | ykdi at ucdavis.edu | |
Tian, Xiaochuan | equtian at ucdavis.edu | |
| | last update 10/7/24 |
Junior Specialists
Graduate Students
Academic year 2024-2025
Aguirre, Christian | caguirre at ucdavis.edu | Max Rudolph |
Aguirre Palafox, Erick | palafox at ucdavis.edu | Isabel Montañez |
Alatorre Acevedo, Eduardo | ealatorre at ucdavis.edu | Dawn Sumner |
Asaadi, Nazila | nasaadi at ucdavis.edu | Magali Billen |
Brunoir, Tessa | tbrunoir at ucdavis.edu | David Gold |
Cary, Paige | pacary at ucdavis.edu | Qing-zhu Yin |
Chilcoat, Gwyn | gachilcoat at ucdavis.edu | Tessa Hill |
Claris Nyuysoni, Sunjo | sclarisnyuysoni at ucdavis.edu | Eliot Atekwana |
Cortes, Luis | lcortes at ucdavis.edu | Dawn Sumner |
Dievert, Rylan | rkdievert at ucdavis.edu | Sandy Carlson |
Faulkner, Benjamin | bifaulkner at ucdavis.edu | Ryosuke Motani |
Goerlitz, Lillian | lbgoerlitz at ucdavis.edu | Alyssa Griffin |
Guerrier, Anjelica | aaguerrier at ucdavis.edu | Kari Cooper |
Hota, Bismay | bhota at ucdavis.edu | Dawn Sumner |
King, Sarah | asking at ucdavis.edu | Dawn Sumner |
Leon, Yvonne | yjleon at ucdavis.edu | Mike Oskin |
Letshele, Kesego Pearl | kpletshele at ucdavis.edu | Eliot Atekwana |
Li, Haoyuan | hylli at ucdavis.edu | Magali Billen |
Lu, Qianyi | ayylu at ucdavis.edu | Max Rudolph |
Lynch, Ryan | rlynch at ucdavis.edu | Michael Oskin |
Mekonnen, Liyu | lhmekonnen at ucdavis.edu | Alyssa Griffin |
Mendonca, Steven | semendonca at ucdavis.edu | Sandy Carlson |
Miller, Audrey | aumiller at ucdavis.edu | Qing-zhu Yin |
Mulligan, Chris | cmulligan at ucdavis.edu | David Gold |
Pfahler, Zoe | zepfahler at ucdavis.edu | Nicholas Pinter |
Postema, Adriana | anpostema at ucdavis.edu | Sarah Stewart |
Rack, Sierra | sirack at ucdavis.edu | Barbara Ratschbacher |
Redick, Nathalie | nrredick at ucdavis.edu | Magali Billen |
Roden, Ana | aaroden at ucdavis.edu | Alyssa Griffin |
Salley, Sydney | ssalley at ucdavis.edu | Dawn Sumner |
Sellinger, Elisabeth | ehsellinger at ucdavis.edu | Tessa Hill |
Sonnenberg, Emily | esonnenberg at ucdavis.edu | Babsi Ratschbacher |
Thurber, Nick | nthurber at ucdavis.edu | Ryosuke Motani |
Tran, Michelle | mtxtran at ucdavis.edu | Christy Grettenberger |
Usher, Evelyn | ehusher at ucdavis.edu | Mike Oskin |
Walker, Julia Chin | jchwalker at ucdavis.edu | Kari Cooper |
Wandasan, Casey | cmwandasan at ucdavis.edu | Magali Billen |
Williams, Caden | cadwilliams at ucdavis.edu | Christy Grettenberger |
Yu, Jack | kwyu at ucdavis.edu | Nicholas Pinter |
Zenker, Zoe | zezenker at ucdavis.edu | Chijun Sun |
Zulian, Meghan | mzulian at ucdavis.edu | Tessa Hill |
| | last update 9/3/2024 |
additional staff information
Barnes, David | debarnes at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 754-1505 |
Baxter, Greg | gmbaxter at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-1864 |
Brannan, Jamie | brannan at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-3668 |
Farnworth, Sean | smfarnworth at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-0350 |
Gary, Brittany | bagary at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-8107 |
Henry, Alyssa | amhenry at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-2206 |
Ramirez, Angelica | amhramirez at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-2201 |
Rousseau, Mandy | mlrousseau at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-9100 |
Thomson, Tracy | tjthomson at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-2234 |
| | last update 09/13/23 |
1362 Earth and Physical Sciences Building
Gold, David | dgold at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 754-5361 |
Latimer, Kathlan | kklatimer at ucdavis.edu | |
Mendle, Alvin | ammendle at ucdavis.edu | |
Pinter, Susann | spinter at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 754-1056 |
Salim, Ingrid | ihsalim at ucdavis.edu | |
Stevenson, Mary-Betty | mbstevenson at ucdavis.edu | |
2215 Earth and Physical Sciences
Hwang, Lorraine | ljhwang at ucdavis.edu | 1 (530) 752-3656 |