Strategic Goals
Support the discovery of new knowledge
Cultivate knowledge, discovery and exploration of new ideas. Deepen our engagement and relationships with communities outside the department.
- Nurture expertise through professional engagement, collaboration, and attracting excellent new community members.
- Build partnerships with communities outside the department including the university, public, students, funders, EPS practitioners.
Prioritize community to sustain a reflective, positive and flexible environment that supports the well-being of all its members.
- Develop and sustain department structures that encourage regular reflection and feedback.
Build and support a variety of regular community-building activities
Student Success
Grow, diversify, and enhance the value of our educational program in a way that centers student success.
- Evaluate and modernize our curriculum and degree requirements.
- Expand student preparation for a changing professional landscape
Financial Framework
Adapt our undergraduate, graduate, and research programs to achieve funding stability and to be nimble in responding to changes.
- Develop a strategy to manage and increase our department budget.
- Grow and diversify our external and campus grant funding.