Memories of Louise

Louise Kellogg in the KeckCAVES

Memories of Louise

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My tribute to Louise H. Kellogg, a mentor and friend.

Tribute to Louise H. Kellogg

You paved a way
      that was open to few.
In your own way,
      that was full of grace.
And with your own style,
      you sought to understand
      and to explain
      what we think and what we see.
You opened the door for many
      into discovery
      into what was possible.
Not just for science
      but also, for women in science.
And in that way forward
      you made possible for others
      a world that was harder for you
      in both understanding and humanity.
And for this I am eternally grateful.
      I can honestly say that as a woman in STEM,
      at the cutting edge of discovery, at the cutting edge of technology,
      I could not be here without you.
Yours is a soul that died too early,
      that passed too soon.
But with your time on this Earth,
      that you loved so much and
      understood so well,
Your impact is far-reaching,
      and broader than any hours
      than any one lifetime.
It is an impact that changes the foundations
      with change from the core.
And in that discovery and in that change,
      I like to think that you are at peace,
      and that we all
      may find some solace.

With greatest sympathy,
Margarete A. Jadamec
Assistant Professor
Department of Geology
Computational and Data-enabled Science and Engineering Program 

University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Louise embodied a rich and compassionate soul
she brought fresh air, warmth, and wisdom to gatherings

Climbing the Great Wall
walking the Royal Mile
sharing an apartment at Santa Ynez 
  for the CIDER summer schools
co-convening an AGU session in DC 
  for the DCO project
our paths crossed often
never planned by ourselves
  but the encounters were
always delightful and inspiring

“Does iron snow in Earth?”
“What happens if iron carbide grows in the core?” 
“How do five reactions influence Earth’s habitability?”
Louise cheerfully entertained ideas far away from her alley
offering attention, insight, and vision

I will remember riding in her two-seater convertible
beach on one side and shops on the other
lost direction and still
seeing her wonderful smile

Jie (Jackie) Li
Professor at University of Michigan

My dear friends in Davis:

I am sorry to see the news of Professor Louise H. Kellogg's death. About eleven years ago., I applied to Davis as a visiting scholar. Professor Kellogg was then chair of the department and she processed my application and arranged for me to go to Davis. She is kind and enthusiastic, and I will miss her.

The following is Louise's first email for arranging me to go to the United States on March 18, 2008, and I would like to use it to commemorate her.

Peng He
College of Water Resource & Hydropower
Sichuan University

Email correspondence

I just learned that Louise passed away in mid-April. I am so very sorry for her passing. I have known Louise for a long time, and had the opportunity to interact with her more frequently while she was a member of the AGU Fellows Selection Committee. What an insightful, thoughtful, passionate individual. As Chair of the committee, and on behalf of all of my colleagues on the committee, we are very very sorry for her passing. She will be in our hearts and thoughts.

John Geissman
Professor and Department Head
Editor in Chief, Tectonics
University of Texas at Dallas

I first met Louise back in the last millennium, when she came to take dance classes at the studio I was running. Over several years, she studied multiple forms of dance, from Earth Rhythms, to Jazz, Dance Improvisation, and Modern. I remember her from those years as a funny, enthusiastic, smiling, and yet very focused student. As the Pamela Trokanski Dance Theatre, the dance company based at the studio, continued to grow, Louise’s support and involvement with the company also grew. She joined the PTDT Board of Directors in 2002, where she consistently made her impact felt by being that rare combination of intelligence paired with kindness, and a wonderful smile, all while being totally grounded and centered. Without a doubt, her energy, support and insight helped bring the company forward into the future. At the last board meeting, held the weekend after her passing, we took time to remember her, each taking turns telling our own “Louise stories”. Tears were shed, but there were smiles and laughter too. In the end, she was much more than a board member… she was a dear friend. To say that she was respected and will be missed is a huge understatement, but to say that she was deeply loved is much closer to the truth.

Best regards,
Pamela Trokanski
Pamela Trokanski Dance Workshop
Pamela Trokanski Dance Theatre
Life in 11 Dimensions

Louise was not only an outstanding scientist, she was also a champion of the arts, especially modern dance. She had a great intellect, but she did not limit her curiosity to just scientific inquiry.

We became friends, while undergraduates at Cornell University, and I was thrilled whenever she would send me messages to let me know that she had gotten up early on Sunday mornings, in California, to listen to the Blues Zeppelin live stream, while making breakfast.

We had recently spoken about meeting this summer at the Edmonton Folk Festival.

I am very saddened to learn of her passing.

Thinking of her life partner, Doug, and all of her friends and family.

Mark Stenzler
Host: Blues Zeppelin Radio
Bern, Switzerland

I met Louise about 40 years ago: two engineers in a modern dance class. We were classmates, housemates, and best friends. Adding spouses only enhanced our friendship. Quoting another friend, “I don’t know how to relate to a world without Louise in it.”  

Margaret Kimbell

Having met Louise at a workshop in Los Alamos in the '90s, I recall from the first time meeting someone who showed genuine interest in mentorship, an ability to put others at ease and a talent to energize her peers.

The past year I was fortunate enough to spend time at two meetings being encouraged by Louise to plan another collaborative meeting that CIG would join in Canada. Geodynamics has lost one of its most positive and community minded leaders with Louise's passing. She will be so very missed for her ability to bring people together to do exciting science under such inclusive leadership.

Julian Lowman,
Department of Physics,
University of Toronto

I did not know Louise personally but nevertheless I have felt her kindness. I will never forget the day I gave my first ever full lecture at a large lecture hall. I ran into Louise as I was entering Giedt Hall. Something about the way I looked must have told her my anxiety was through the roof. She asked if I was giving the next lecture. I nodded. So, she showed me how to bring the screen down, how to operate the lights, and how to tell if the mic is working. Things that had not even occurred to me! Her showing me these simple, little tasks calmed me down and made me confident about the lecture. I did not know what to expect walking into that classroom that day so I am grateful that I was greeted by Louise's kindness.

I'm saddened to hear about Louise's passing. I admired her and valued her as a colleague. She was highly distinguished for her scientific contributions, but more importantly to me, she was a constant source of positive and inspiring energy. It is mind blowing to contemplate how many people within the deep Earth community, and in particular the geodynamics community, she helped directly, or indirectly, over her career. We have lost a wonderful person.

Dave Stegman
Associate Professor of Geophysics
Deep Earth Virtual Laboratory
Institute of Geophysics & Planetary Physics
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
University of California, San Diego

I have been so very fortunate to have Louise in my life and with her passing, I have found it extremely difficult to sort out all of the nuances that made our relationship special.  First and foremost, Louise’s passion, knowledge, and enthusiasm were always present in whatever she touched.  This showed time after time in her teaching where she had a unique way of presenting difficult material that created visible ‘lightbulb’ moments on students’ faces.  Likewise, even though Louise gave countless demonstrations in the KeckCAVES , she always had  kid-like excitement as if it were her first time.  This passion and enthusiasm rooted in the deep understanding of the physics was at the core of Louise as an educator.  

I am one of Louise’s first graduate students and the first with a Ph.D.  There are so many things that I learned under her mentorship, directly and intangible, that are intertwined into who I am today.  Louise and I partnered on a number of projects after I graduated from UCD, but one of the amazing collaborations that I was fortunate to be part of was between the UC Davis Department of Theatre and Dance and the Earth and Planetary Science Department, where the KeckCAVES technology projected 3D datasets that I had collected and choreographed as a backdrop to the Performing Arts production of COLLAPSE (suddenly falling down) at the Mondavi Center.  Who would have imagined that a group of scientists and researchers would receive an Isadora Duncan Award for Visual Design?  Louise had the unique gift of bringing people, technology, and ideas together and achieving what was not thought possible.

The bonds that people build when they go through difficult times are often the strongest.  We both experienced the ugly side of cancer within our own families and with a very close friend.  Louise and I reserved the last breakfast at the Fall AGU meeting every year to reflect on both the bright and challenging times from the past year and to think about what awaited us next.  Louise was an incredible listener.  The educator within her would never give you the answer, but subtly nudge you down the right path without you realizing what she was doing.  As a friend, Louise embodied love and compassion through sharing experiences and getting you to look at things a little differently. 

Thank you, Louise!  You have been an inspiration and a guiding light.  I cannot express how much you will be missed. 

Gerald Bawden
Program Scientist
Earth Science Division
NASA Headquarters
Washington, DC 

Tribute to Louise Kellogg

Louise Kellogg was the ideal person to lead the Deep Carbon Observatory’s (DCO) Modeling and Visualization Forum for Deep Carbon. DCO was seeking a scientist who was widely recognized for her leadership in computational geodynamics, scientific visualization, and community building. Louise fit the casting call to perfection, as indicated by her leadership roles with the Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics (CIG), Keck Center for Active Visualization in Earth Sciences (KeckCAVES) at UC Davis, and Cooperative Institute for Dynamic Earth Research (CIDER). In addition to becoming the principal investigator of major DCO grants, Louise served on the DCO Executive Committee and DCO Synthesis Group 2019. True to form, Louise’s contributions extended far beyond her formal roles and titles. She welcomed the opportunities and challenges of integrating geodynamics with geochemistry. Louise was also an inspirational mentor to early career scientists around the world. The universe of science has lost a shining star, brilliant colleague, and dear friend.

Craig Schiffries
Director, Deep Carbon Observatory

I had the honor and pleasure of working with Professor Kellogg on a few occasions over the years. She was considerate, warm, and keen to seek the recognition of fellow faculty members. My condolences to her family and colleagues.

Gloria Hayes
Academic Affairs
Office of the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
University of California, Davis

I first met Louise at an administrative retreat up at Lake Tahoe when we were both new chairs in 2001. I always admired Louise's interest and passion for the arts in addition to her brilliant career as a scientist. She was a STEM colleague whose friendly smile I'd see often either at the Manetti Shrem or at the Mondavi, ready to engage in conversation about an exhibition or performance. I am shocked and devastated to hear of Louise's passing. She will be sorely missed by her friends in the Arts. Condolences to her husband and family.

Gina Werfel
Professor of Art
UC Davis

Having had the opportunity to work as staff member in EPS with and around Louise for eight years, I can attest to each and every word that others have said on the department website.  I’m happy to say whenever we crossed paths after I left EPS, she would stop and chat if only for a few minutes, smiling that beautiful smile all the while.  I feel very lucky to have known this wonderful being that left us too soon and agree we should all strive to be the role model she was.  To Doug and the family, my heartfelt condolences.

Susan Lopez

Last Tuesday, I heard this heartbreaking news and I can't really believe this is real. I spent a whole day to calm down and realized I just lost my dear supervisor, my life mentor and respected elder - Louise. It is too sudden for all of us and I can still remember she helped me revise my manuscript last month when I was preparing for a submission. I didn't know she was suffering. In our last meeting in February, when she told me she need a medical leave and can only talk through email or phone, I didn't know that was our last time that we met each other.

I met Louise in my first year of PhD in UC Davis, I was looking for a supervisor who can support my research in VR/AR and computer graphics. Professor Bernd Hamann introduced me to Louise and Oliver and we ended up to be a very good match with each other. Since then I started my PhD journey under Louise's guidance in the next four years. During these years, Louise became the closest person I know in this campus, and she not just gave me advice in research but also suggestions for personal life and future career. Louise gave me the max freedom to choose my own research projects and internship outside of campus, so I can expand my vision and prepare well for the future. She was always willing to discuss with me about my unfettered ideas and offered me her sagacious advice. As a non-native English student, I was struggling with my poor writing skills every-time I prepared my manuscripts. She was always so patient and helped me to refine them word by word. Now I can't be more grateful when I realize last time she helped me revise my manuscript when she was having such serious medical issues.

As Louise's student, I am so sorry I was not there with her and did not get a chance to say goodbye. I want to offer my deepest condolence to Louise's family. I am fortunate to have her guidance in my PhD program and this will be the most precious gift she left for me in my entire life. I wish she would be there in my commencement of my PhD and witness me to get start the next stage of my life.

Yangguang Liao
PhD. student of Computer Science Department
University of California, Davis

Louise Kellogg was in a class of her own -- she could explain complex geodynamics in a very understandable and intuitive fashion. She was wise, calm, and on target and she was a great role model for how to be a stellar scientist and a decent human. 

We will miss you so much, Louise!

Roberta Rudnick
Department of Earth Science
University of California at Santa Barbara

Like many strong women Louise lived life on her own terms to the end.

Prof. Alexandra Navrotsky
Director, NEAT-ORU & Peter A. Rock Thermochemistry Laboratory
University of California, Davis

My memory of Louise is dinner together at Logan Tavern during the Deep Carbon Observatory “Earth in Five Reactions” workshop in March 2018. I had the good fortune of sitting next to Louise. Of course I recognized her nametag, and knew she was a “great” in the field, but I didn’t know her personally.

We immediately hit it off. The discussion soon turned to women in geosciences. I mentioned my frustration that proper credit wasn’t being given where due to women who made important discoveries in marine geophysics, such as Kathleen Crane’s contribution to the discovery of hydrothermal vents. Louise suggested I write a Wikipedia page for Kathy Crane. I learned so much from Louise at that one dinner. I will always remember her positive spirit. My heart goes out to her family, friends, and colleagues at UC Davis and around the world. Science has lost a bright star. May her memory live on in everyone she touched.

Jennifer Glass
Associate Professor
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia

Louise showed me that a woman is science can do it all with grace.

Louise was the first woman scientist that I met in my career that was brilliant, innovative, and unifying as a professional and also a devoted friend and amazing partner as a human.

She exuded leadership in all that she did and helped build a department of strong and talented women that is diverse as any I have ever seen in academia.

She inspired classes of undergraduates and graduate students with her passion for geodynamics and geoscience as a whole.

She showed me personally compassion and provided me vision of what I could be in science and in life.  I feel lucky and so grateful to have known her and am saddened that she didn't have more time to influence more like me.  However, i think Louise did much more with the time she had than many will do with longer lifetimes.

Lara E. Heister
Project Geologic Advisor
Anadarko Petroleum Company

Dear friends of Louise,

We are devastated. Louise, you will be missed, heart and wit. So many colleagues who feel like your friends are grieving. 

I was telling Ed Garnero the story of this very sweet moment with Louise in 2001 in Roanoke. It was the Goldschmidt banquet and a bluegrass band had been invited, playing of course the Dueling Banjos. She had her so particular smile on her radiant face telling me all the details of country music from that area. I will never forget. So many people loved her so much.

Francis Albarede
Professor Emeritus of Geochemistry
Ecole Normale Supérieur de Lyon

Louise was the person who combined intelligence, big-heartedness, wit, and wisdom in a truly memorable way. The conversations that she started or contributed to on Facebook were always the most interesting, thoughtful, good-humored, and well considered of any I have seen anywhere else. Louise never sacrificed science to just good feelings, but she never abandoned compassion in the expression of her views and of the facts. A leader in every sense of the word. The world is much more empty; she has left a Louise-shaped hole in the universe inhabited by all of us. She was a much loved sister-in-law, and the family is grieving. Our brother Doug was blessed with a wonderful life partner.

Carla Scheidlinger

Molly and I owe deep debt of gratitude to Louise. In 1998, Louise arranged, for me, a six month sabbatical supported by a Regents Scholarship, and Molly was offered a short-term research position in Viticulture and Enology. We spent an idyllic six months in Davis, which morphed into permanent positions that we occupied for eight years, Louise changed our lives; we were both completely rejuvenated by a new phase of extremely productive research in a Department, University, and City Camelot. Thank you Louise for your ethics, empathy, kindness, deep intellect, and love.

John and Molly Dewey
Prof. John F. Dewey FRS, M.R.I.A., FAA, Mem. Acad. Eur., Mem.
US Nat. Acad. Sci., Distinguished Emeritus Professor University of California, Emeritus Professor and Supernumerary Fellow, University College Oxford.

I am very saddened by the passing of Louise Kellogg.  I first met Dr. Kellogg at a month-long workshop at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics in Santa Barbara.  I was a graduate student at the time.  When I told Louise about my research, she listened to me with more intent than I had come to expect from distinguished faculty.  Her genuine interest in the work of a graduate student, and her honest and thoughtful conversation with me about my research, set a memorable and positive example for me.  It was such a privilege for me as a female graduate student to be listened to, and for my work to be taken seriously.  I hope I can pass her legacy on by taking seriously the research results of graduate students, especially those who feel that their voices are often not heard.

Lauren M. Weiss
Parrent Postdoctoral Fellow
Institute for Astronomy
University of Hawaii at Manoa

Remembrance of a great scientist and human.

All of us at the Deep Carbon Observatory were heartbroken to hear the news of Louise's passing.  She exhibited the remarkable combination of being an accomplished scientist and a stellar human being.  She contributed to advancing the work of the DCO by leading its modeling and visualization forum, sharing her wisdom as a member of DCO's Executive Committee, and helping to guide the future of deep carbon science as a member of DCO's Synthesis Group 2019.

Personally, I had the pleasure of having Louise as a friend and she was a great friend. The same commitment she gave to her science, she gave to enjoying the pleasures of life.  She paid attention to detail, whether it was fine wine or food, or the nuances of the environment around her, she was all in.  

I will miss Louise's enthusiasm for life, wisdom in everything, and keen understanding of what is important. 

Darlene Trew Crist
Synthesis Group 2019
Deep Carbon Observatory

I am devastated by Louise’s passing. She was an amazing colleague, teacher and researcher. She was also so helpful to the advance program where she contributed so much.

Linda Katehi
Chancellor Emerita
Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of California, Davis


I am not a scientist, but I believe wholeheartedly that science holds the key to our future. I learned this from Louise. 

Louise has been my friend for about 38 years since we met through mutual friends at Cornell. I so admire her brilliance, her deep understanding of the universe and our place in it, her kindness, her cooking, and her love of nature, dance, colleagues, students, friendship, family, and, most of all, Doug. I will miss spending time together, but she will always be in my heart.

Jean McPheeters Consulting LLC

Such a shock to hear the news today.  Louise and I had neighboring offices while we were post-docs at Caltech.  She and Doug were the two people most responsible for helping me retain my sanity way back then.  After leaving Caltech our paths diverged, but for many years the annual dinners at Max's Opera Cafe with her, Doug, Monica Kohler, and Tom Heaton were the part of AGU I most looked forward to.  She will be sorely missed.

Allan Rubin
Princeton University 

I was so saddened to hear about the passing of Louise Kellogg. I always enjoyed every interaction I had with her at meetings and conferences, and I looked up to her as a fantastic scientist, a respected community leader, and a genuinely great person. I hope she knew how admired she was in the community as a role model for the next generations of geophysicists, particularly women. My heartfelt condolences to Louise’s family and friends.

Maureen Long
Yale University

Louise was such a fabulous colleague, mentor and a mainstay in the geodynamics community.  She was an enabler, a facilitator, a great listener, gently assertive, and she absolutely got things done.  I have always appreciated how at-ease I have felt when she is present.  I am now especially thankful to have had the opportunity to catch up with Louise at the Canadian Geophysical Union meeting last summer (2018).  Chatting with her felt like "old times", and it was particularly fun to hear about her and Doug's trips to Santa Cruz to watch the classic car show and race. A lasting image in my mind is Louise in her black leather (motor) biking suit, with helmet--about the size of her torso--chin guard hanging on forearm, laptop case on the other shoulder, and a contented grin on her face.

Garrett Apuzen-Ito
Professor, Dept. of Earth Sciences
University of Hawaii
Honolulu, HI 96822

The Division of Earth Sciences at the National Science Foundation would like to extend our condolences to the family, friends, and colleagues of Dr. Louise Kellogg. Louise leaves a scientific legacy that goes beyond her research group and department. She was a key member of groups that started important community efforts like Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics (CIG) and Cooperative Institute for Dynamic Earth Research (CIDER). These two efforts exemplify Louise’s foresight on what is needed to make significant advances in geosciences, computational capabilities and interdisciplinary teams. At NSF, we will always be grateful for Louise’s willingness to serve the community and Foundation, and we are especially grateful for her leadership as chair of the Advisory Committee for Geosciences. Her thoughtfulness, vision and leadership will be missed.

We would appreciate it very much if you would share this message with the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences and others at UC Davis.

Lina Patino, PhD
Director, Division of Earth Sciences
National Science Foundation

18B April 2019

On behalf of the COMPRES* community, I would like to convey our condolences to the family and friends on the passing of Louise Kellogg. Louise was an exemplary scientist and academic educator.  During the formative years of COMPRES as a member of the external Advisory Committee, she provided insightful guidance based on her experience with CIG.  As the President of COMPRES from 2003-2010, I particularly valued her thoughtful counsel and friendship.

Bob Liebermann

*COMPRES: COnsortiium for Materials Properties Research in Earth Sciences.

Louise was am amazing colleague. I had the great privilege to work with and learn from her for more than two decades at UC Davis. Louise was an inspiring teacher, scholar, mentor and leader. She was full of energy; she had an immense impact on science; she was always there for her colleagues and students. Louise influenced a broad spectrum of disciplines, working with scholars around the world. Most of all, she cared about her colleagues deeply, with a keen sensitivity of the "human dimension," making her an admired and loved role model. I will miss her very much.

Bernd Hamann
Computer Science Department, UC Davis

Dear Colleagues,  

As you may already know, we lost a giant of geophysics this week - Louise Kellogg. I was lucky enough to have known Louise since our Pasadena days in the late 1980s, where we were both post-docs at Caltech. She has continued to be a good friend and colleague over the intervening decades. Just last year, we worked together on the SCEC Advisory Committee. Louise was a great scientist and leader, a wonderful colleague, and a persistent and successful advocate for diversity in science.

M. Meghan Miller
President, UNAVCO

In Memory of Louise... brokenhearted right now

It is not possible for me to imagine a world without Louise. She has been a colleague, a mentor, a collaborator, a sounding board, and most of all a friend for my entire professional career. It is not easy to find someone who is willing to make the time to listen to you and to give you thoughtful advice. Her leadership, her passion for deep earth science, and her special gift for communicating in a way that crosses boundaries will be missed, but her friendship will be missed most of all.

Scott King

Louise was a great colleague who was always generous, kind, supportive, and willing to offer help to others. Above all, her measured voice of reasoning with smile will be dearly missed among her colleagues.

Shijie Zhong, Professor
Department of Physics
University of Colorado at Boulder

My deepest condolences and sympathy to the Kellogg family.

At most, my research interests are on the periphery of the CIG community but I get to know Louise through several rounds of CIDER meetings that began more than ten years ago. Later on, we were both in the role of administrators so we occasionally shared experience in that regard. In 2012, mainly because of changes in family situation, my household moved to northern Nevada, within driving distance from Davis, barring all the chain controls in the winter over the high Sierras.

For a period, we had family living in Davis as well, so I told her that I shall look her up on campus from time to time. This never materialized because I am often overseas and our visits to Davis were very short, always on weekends; not a good time to intrude on her family life. Little did we know that she will pass away so suddenly!

Aside from work, we talked a bit about minor league baseball. I was surprised that this national pastime was one of her interests. Reno/Sparks also has a minor league team, the Reno Aces. Louise, I will be thinking of you the next time the Aces play, as baseball season is just starting in the spring. We never discussed religion, perhaps following the sage advice of never discuss such matters among friends and perhaps because I am not a religious person. At any rate, please rest in peace and your memory is in our hearts as we also morn the damage to the Notre-Dame de Paris.

Wang-Ping Chen
China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
Formerly University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Dear Geodynamics community,

Thank you for the opportunity to share memories of Louise. It is certainly a shock and a sadness to have lost her.

I first met Louise when she was visiting MIT in the late 90s on sabbatical. I was a PhD student and I witnessed, I think for the first time, a Science paper being created from initial conception all the way through to publication. This happened during the MIT-Harvard “Joint Seminar on Mantle Convection”, which was formed so we could to take advantage of Louise’s visit. Out of the discussions in this this class, Louise developed her Science paper “Compositional stratification in the deep mantle”, which is now Louise's most-cited paper. It was all very exciting to see this class interaction lead to such an important discovery, but more than that I remember being impressed that the real advance came from a relatively simple, but creative, solution to an outstanding problem. To me, this made high-level science seem much more accessible, with the caveat that you need a really thorough knowledge about a problem to make progress (Louise helped us to gain this in the class). This whole experience has stayed with me as great example of how to approach important problems, and I still really appreciate the example that Louise provided. Of course I have enjoyed my conversations with Louise at conferences and at UC Davis ever since, and I have greatly benefited from her leadership at the CIG center (as many of the community has), but it was my first interactions with Louise 20 years ago that were so very impactful for me. It is too bad that more students won’t have this opportunity to learn from her, but I am glad that many of us gained from her experience at critical times in our careers.

Clint Conrad
University of Oslo

If I ever wanted to be someone when I grew up, it was Louise Kellogg. She was smart, kind, caring, creative, inventive, and inclusive. She had a passion for outreach, mentoring, and solid earth studies. She will forever hold the top spot on my list of heroes. I wish I had the chance to tell her how much I admired her as a person, researcher, and mentor. If we could all aspire to leave behind a legacy such as hers, what a better place the world would be. 

Amber Kumpf 
Geology/Oceanography Instructor
John Bartley Science Museum Director
Muskegon Community College
Muskegon, MI 

I am very sad to hear about the pass away of Prof. Louise Kellogg. Her pass away is a tremendous loss for the Earth Science community. She had been an influential figure in the field of geodynamics since the early 90's, and in addition to her research, she took on a lot of community responsibility to promote the building of computational infrastructures and interdisciplinary collaborations, especially as the director of CIG. With her great organizational skills, she worked tirelessly to find the resources to support individual software and bring the CIG community together. I came into contact with her a few times at CIG business meetings as a developer of seismological softwares hosted and supported by CIG, and had been greatly inspired by her forward vision as well as support for young scientists. Her tremendous scientific achievements and service to the community will always be in our hearts and minds.

Qinya Liu
University of Toronto

I am so sad with the news of Louise’s passing. A fine scholar and incredibly thoughtful colleague who was part of our founding STEAD team at UCD, exploring bias in faculty hiring practices. Louise and I loved swapping memories of our past canoe trip experiences to the Boundary Waters, MINN. Sharp mind, kind soul.

Steven Athanases, Professor, School of Education, UC Davis

I interacted with Louise for a brief time at NSF but was immediately impressed with her scholarly achievements and the respect she commanded throughout the geoscience community. However, she was also an exceedingly kind individual with an infectious smile that could brighten an entire room. I am saddened by the great loss we have all suffered. 

My deepest sympathies are extended to her family and the Department.

Roger Wakimoto
Former Assistant Director for Geosciences, NSF
Vice Chancellor for Research, UCLA

I lost one of my best friends last night - Louise Kellogg.

We got to know each other at the 1996 IGC meeting in Beijing the September before I started my job at Davis. We had a hot pot dinner at a hole-in-the-wall place where the electricity kept going out. But hot pots don't need electricity. It was so wonderful to know I had a good friend in my new department before arriving.

Louise was one of my most important mentors, helping me navigate through tenure and beyond, talking to me about the pros and cons of pushing the faculty merit system. We spent hours and hours walking in the arboretum talking through difficult decisions, particularly when she was chair of the department (for 9 years straight plus a couple of extra years replacing others of us after we resigned).

KeckCAVES started on one of those walks. Louise was trying to come up with something we could propose to the Keck Foundation. We settled on 3d visualization. We were asked to submit a full proposal - and neither of us had any idea of how to implement our vision. So we went to the Computer Science department directory and found Oliver Kreylos and Bernd Hamann - and we got a million dollars (with some additional work in there). The creative science that emerged from that collaboration changed my view of science.

The creativity expanded beyond science, too. Louise and I shared an enthusiasm for modern dance, with both of us taking classes with Pamela Trokanski for years. Louise often went to performances, but there was one special production that emerged from hours of her collaborative work with others - Collapse (suddenly falling down), with choreographer Della Davidson. Louise spent hours helping Ellen Bromberg and Oliver choreograph lidar scans of land slides and disappearing beaches that were a key part of the production. The show won the Isadora Duncan award for visual design that year, which couldn’t have happened without a million different types of contributions from Louise.

Louise’s openness to new ideas led to her working constantly to “chip away at the patriarchy”. While Louise was still chair, I nominated her for an award for promoting diversity in the department. She won. She used her prize money to start our Tuesday Tea, which is now a permanent fixture. More importantly, our faculty value diversity, building on the efforts of people like Louise who see a different, better future.

Louise touched and improved many, many people's lives. She was one of my best friends for more than 22 years.

Dawn Y. Sumner
Earth and Planetary Sciences
University of California, Davis